Brought to you by that crazy symbiote, VENOM, this page is dedicated to all things "The Amazing Spider-Girl," the best comic since...well..."Spider-Girl!"
Conceived in the late 90's, May "Mayday" Parker's history is almost eerily similar to the history of her father, Spider-Man himself! Debuting in the last issue of the then-current volume of "What If?!," she answered the question "What if Spider-Man had a Daughter?" The answer? She'd be very popular! Indeed, popular enough to land her own great series that would last an amazing 100 issues! Oh, it's not that she didn't have her difficulties. She was even canceled once! Actually, three times...MORE! But her dedicated fan base, arguably the most dedicated in all of comicdom, kept giving her the life saving CPR that she needed. And let's not forget that we had a little help from some sympathizers at Marvel! Hey, let's face it, we don't pull all of the strings! Somebody over there must like us!
You see, poor Mayday just couldn't get the audience she needed, being sold only in direct market comic shops. There's nothing wrong with those, by the way, but our May was meant for bigger and better things. She's not just another character, she's an ambassador to all kinds of folks. Folks who don't like the current age of comics, and those who do! Many girls who normally wouldn't touch a comic not only like her, but respect her. And most of all, Spider-Girl has been proven to reach out to children, a market surprisingly ignored by comic companies these days in many respects.
She had a shaky history as the flagship for an ultimately doomed (or is it?) line of comics called "MC2" or "Marvel Comics 2." Once her buddies were gone (in not much more than a year), she had to bear the weight of an entire universe on her back! And she did it! And not only that, she did it well, with enough balance of May and her MC2 neighbors to keep lots of folks happy.
Did I mention yet that Spider-Girl is a record breaker, too? Cool, huh? She has not only the longest running book in Marvel history starring a female, but she's the first ever to reach her 100th issue, a feat that probably won't be repeated for some time (I don't count She Hulk, as her "100" came from combining all of her series, limited and unlimited. No ill will towards the character, and more power to her fans, but May is the real taker here, as her run was UNINTERUPTED). She was also one of the first characters adopted into Marvel's new "Digest" program, a new form of trade sold in a small, easily-carried size, collecting all of her adventures! These have sold "X-Men numbers" and are a big reason why Spider-Girl lives on. Oh, yeah, and they're Mass Market, too. I guess people outside of Direct Market comic shops really DO want to Make theirs Mayday!
I know what you're thinking..."I haven't seen her lately, I thought she was canceled?" Well, she was...sort of. After years of seemingly fighting what at times seemed insurmountable odds, we finally won the big one! Sure, "Spider-Girl" is canceled, but "The Amazing Spider-Girl" #1 hits in October! Mayday is back in action, and she's looking even better than before! Stick with this site and we'll keep you updated!